The caring hands of Prayas Trust reaches out beyond Chennai to the needy
through its affiliates based in 13 locations across India with over 3200 members
doing remarkable work to alleviate the pain of the less fortunate and ease the
struggles of the underprivileged. The 23 affiliates of Prayas Trust have different
names like Sparsh, Unnati, Ananya, Tarang, Spandana to name a few but all
have a common goal of social welfare and upliftment. Run by the ladies and
wives of L&T employees, Prayas Trust projects L&T as a company that cares.

The Prayas Trust Sparsh

The Prayas Trust Sparsh in Bengaluru headed by Mrs. Sandhya Garg focuses on health, education and vocational training. Sparsh is involved in initiatives such as working with old age homes, women and children on basic health and hygiene, organising workshops for school children, knowledge and awareness programmes, supporting causes for the specially abled and volunteering for causes of social and community welfare. The team has set up a fully equipped Computer lab for a government school at Vasantnagar and a Skill Development Center for the needy women on tailoring

Prayas Trust Vadodara

Prayas Trust Vadodara has received unstinted support from Prayas Trust Chennai to help identify initiatives, provide guidance and personalized review, to enable them to give their best to the community. Inspired by Prayas Trust, Chennai, they have adopted the Maa Bharti School via ‘Project Kiran’ to not just educate underprivileged children but also improve their health, hygiene, and sanitation. Through its key initiative, ‘Project ‘Samarth’, the Trust provides vocational training in tailoring, beautician courses and various other skills to young disadvantaged unemployed women. These efforts have been recognized by Prayas Trust Chennai with an ‘Award of Excellence’ in 2016 which has greatly encouraged and motivated the members to work harder and achieve more. “Prayas Trust is a beacon, a guiding light to all of us, showing the path of social welfare and taking up the causes of socially underprivileged,” says Anita Shah, President. “To have sustained these altruistic activities over these last two and half decades is a testimony to the commitment of all our members.”

Prayas Trust - Chandigarh Chapter

Prayas Trust – Chandigarh Chapter supports and provides financial aid to the underprivileged students of government schools for education, health and hygiene in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. The members actively coordinate, closely monitor their programmes and provide volunteering training to the students in beautician courses and basic computer education for their self-empowerment. Focus on the health & hygiene of girl children is a key programme of this Trust which is effectively realized by supporting schools and communities with the installation of essentials such as incinerators, vending machines and distributing free sanitary napkins at the government girls schools and hostels.

The Mumbai chapters

The Mumbai chapters of Prayas Trust, Tarang in Powai and Kalpvruksh in Borivali have been quietly helping the company establish its CSR footprint. Tarang has provided drinking water facilities to 446 children in a Government school through a rainwater harvesting initiative which saves around 3 lakh litre of water in a specially customized underground tank. Prayas Trust Kalpvruksh supports a unique initiative that provides loving and temporary homes for the parents or caretakers of children undergoing treatment for cancer. Through its ‘Project Tarasha’, the Trust helps to rehabilitate women who have recovered from mental illnesses through networking, capacity building and sensitizing programs.

The impact of the initiatives of these various affiliates is reflected in the smiles they help spread. More than smiles, Anita Shah puts everything in perspective when she says, “this is an opportunity to serve the society and make our lives more meaningful. The support we get from Prayas Trust Chennai motivates us. We know that we are all in it together to change the narrative of someone’s life for the better.”